There were three watering holes near to the camp and where personnel were stationed, two pubs, The Bell at Kesgrave annd the Red Lion at Martlesham Village, the Black Tiles was a restaurant until it changed into a pub. There were the messes on base plus the NAAFI [what was the USAAF equivalent in those days the Post Exchange-PX??], I'll wager a bet that some stories were told in these hallowed walls
When I was a teenager in the 50's I belonged to the Air Rangers - a Girl Guide outfit. One of the things we used to do on weekends was to go to Martlesham Heath and help out with the gliding school there. It was mainly for the Air Cadets & our primary job was to hold the wings of the gliders steady while waiting for the winch to get going, and to make the tea. As a reward (or bribe!) we got to go up in the gliders and were allowed to take over the controls. My friend and I used to walk from Ipswich to Martlesham on good weather days, going the Foxhall Rd. route. Your website is such a blast for me as I have such memories of MH and the cadets and instructors. So many changes have taken place there. It was still very much a place of boffins then. We went to a couple of dances they had. I don't suppose there are too many people left who remember gliding at MH aerodrome. I met my husband in 1957 and all connections had to be severed so I have no idea how long the cadets received their gliding instruction after that. Thank you for allowing me to share a memory or two.