1963 St Mawgan: I had been away for the weekend, when I arrived at the gate a snoop asked me where I worked, I replied 201 Squadron, he told me to report with my kit to 206 Squadron immediately. The whole squadron had been shipped up to RAF Kinloss over the weekend as the Russian Atlantic Fleet had moved out of Murmansken masseand we were being shipped up to the Arctic Circle to the RNAF base at Bodo. I had no sleep the night before (overnight train from London), we stragglers were flown by 206 Squadron MR3 to Kinloss in WR980 a 3 hour trip, when we arrived there we had to work throughout the night servicing all the kites. One was an engine change, but thankfully that was not my kite.
1955 Lyneham: ATC flight Hastings TG616 Cross Country exercise had the controls for 20 minutes in the Captains seat, I found this incredibly difficult to control especially on the rudder controls, thank God there was a very capable co-pilot sitting beside me. 2 hours 35 mins.